I'm a bit scared that I'm not gonna finish my master's. It took me until October to realise that I'm gonna have to be in Zurich for the studio visits. Sami suggested that I do the studio visits in Basel. But I'm gonna have to prepare a five minute talk about my work which is difficult enough. I'm scared that if I don't do the studio visits in Zurich I'm not gonna pass the exams. I'm scared of fucking this up so badly. I'm gonna ask them about visiting the studio in Zurich for the first time in April. Maybe ill prepare 2 video. At the end of last year I was so sure that I'll get into Berlin. And then I found out that in order to be able to do the studio visits in Zurich I had to apply to an ETH class. Now ive fucked it up again because I was thinking that I don't have to apply because I'm doing the studio visits in Basel. I'm so stupid. Just when I start working again I realise how much I hate it. Usually I like to do things on my own, but when it comes to doing art I prefer to be in a group. I think I'm just bad at motivating myself